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Hi Sereyians, how you doing?. By the way of things seems everything is on normalcy. Well without much ado, will like to discuss an important branch of dentistry with you, which ORAL MEDICINE.

First of all, let's commence with the definition.

Oral medicine is an area of discipline in dentistry which deals with the diseases of the oral and perioral structures.
It also includes the principles of medicine dealing with the mouth(oral cavity) in general with reference to its biological, pathological and clinical spheres.

This branch of dentistry is also concerned with diagnosis and effective management of diseases which has to do with the orofacial tissues and also oral manifestation of systemic diseases. Likewise, proper management of medically compromised patients suffering from oral and dental disease.

Furthermore, oral medicine also has to do with non-surgical management of patients suffering from facial pain, temporomandibular joint disorders including specialty care and management in periodontics and endodontic aspect of dental science.

It is also widely viewed as the branch of dentistry that is about the oral health management especially for the medically compromised ones and even the professional diagnosis and management of medical conditions that come across the oral, and maxillofacial region of the body.

Oral medicine is generally viewed as the cross road or intermediary between medicine and dentistry

Now, let's go some of the goals and objectives of oral medicine as a branch of dentistry


The goal of oral medicine is to provide education, research, public enlightenment, service and treatment to the society

Now, let's take a look at each of the following objectives:

1- Education
It consists of impactful knowledge that oral medicine will endow a dental students from bachelor to advanced studies and also training for health care professionals.

2- Research
This includes activities that has to do with new discoveries and inventions that oral medical professionals and students
research on to improve the procedures and methodology of clinical approaches for dental treatment and so on.

3- Services
Services relates to the delivering effective and appropriate service for the society dental needs and also carrying out necessary care to satisfy the patient and the community as deem possible

4- Treatment
The is the provision of necessary relief from pain and disorderliness in line with the treatment plans made during diagnosis

5- Public Enlightenment
This has to do with sensitizing the public about diseases and how to prevent them and also necessary measures against contracting contagious diseases and may also include volunteer services to communities and less privileged either freely or at a minimal fee possible

Oral medicine as an integral branch of dentistry usually discuss about three major issues which are as follows;

1- Basic and fundamental comprehension of various diseases and their influence on the oral tissues (both hard and soft tissues)

2- Easy detection of any major systemic diseases and its manifestations on oral tissues

3- Arriving at appropriate diagnosis with corresponding treatment plans.

This branch of dentistry usually circulate around effect clinical diagnosis and medical management of disorders involving the oral mucosa as well as orofacial tissues pain and temporomandibular joint disorders

Oral medicine specialists were usually trained to properly carry out for medically compromised patients through the manipulation of the treatment plans and patients with systemic and endocrine disorders such as diabetes, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract infections and so on

The oral medicine approach in clinical examination is to engage in clinical evaluation of the head and neck, radiographical investigation, oral diagnosis, oral therapeutics, laboratory analysis among others in order to treat conditions such as;


1- Vesisuclobullous lesions
2- Painful and burning mucosa
3- Infectious oral diseases
4- Oral manifestation of systemic disorders
5- Salivary gland neoplasms and disorders
6 - Ulcerative mucosal diseases and so on


This is all as regards the brief introduction of Oral Medicine as a prestigious branch of dentistry at least for now

Thanks for going through this lengthy write-up and for your usual attention and support

Thanks a lot and Happy Sereying 🌴🦷🌴🦷🌴🦷🌴🌴 🌴 🌴 🌴🦷🦷🌴🌴🦷🦷🌴🦷🌴🌴🦷🦷🌴

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