Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology





What is an Airdrop in Crypto Space ?
Airdrops are events where a cryptocurrency development team deposits their crypto token or NFT into your crypto wallet usually free of charge after the pre-given tasks to do.

The value of an airdrop that each individual receives on distribution sometimes has to do with the level of interaction and participation as this more pronounced in mining apps and as such most projects tend to reward their early adopters more those joining afterwards.

Cryptocurrency airdrops are a creative marketing strategy used by blockchain projects to distribute FREE tokens to holders of an existing cryptocurrency or even non holders just to create awareness and gain subscribers. This practice involves sending tokens to the wallets of existing cryptocurrency users, typically as a reward or incentive for their loyalty, participation in a network, or as part of a promotional and advertisement campaign.

Now let's go into how crypto currency network works

How Cryptocurrency Airdrops Work:

  1. Promotional Tool:
    Airdrops are often used as a as an advertisement about an unfolding project or as a promotional tool to create awareness, attract new users, and reward loyal holders of a particular asset.

  2. Distribution:
    Tokens are distributed for FREE to eligible cryptocurrency holders based on specific criteria set by the project managers initiating such an airdrop.

  3. Types of Airdrops:
    Airdrops can vary in nature, including standard airdrops, where tokens are simply distributed to its subscribers,utility airdrops, where tokens are provided to promote use of a particular platform or service or as incentive to engage in particular testnet stage of a token

  4. Benefits:
    Airdrops provide an opportunity for recipients to receive tokens
    WITHOUT CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, potentially increasing the user base and building massive interest in such a project.

In conclusion, cryptocurrency airdrops serve as an innovative method to roll-out tokens, engage with the community, and promote projects running on blockchain nodes. By understanding the dynamics and internal architecture of airdrops, users can freely participate, benefit from free tokens distribution, and contribute to the growth and development of the blockchain ecosystem.

It should be known that airdrops are not easy and they are not for the Fainthearted! who quick money and cashing out. Some people have been mining pi token for over 3 years and pi is still yet to be listed on any reputable exchange for any tangible price. Some people get lucky and the very first coin they mine gets listed at gigantic rate! It's a game of tact and knowing which coin will pick up with in-depth analysis and wisdom. Like most will it needs patient to get to the top.

In a nutshell, Airdrop is a designed avenue to get free money. 'Free money'? Isn't it?

Airdrop can be stressful and consuming. Some will require that you go to the app up to many times in a day just to click on the 'mine' button in order for you to continue mining!. Imagine doing like 20 airdrops at a single moment and you have to enter all the apps every day!, it such strenuous exercise for some people.

There were some enthusiasts of airdropps mining over 50 apps and also visit the airdropp platform daily and mine not to mention the ones that comes with tasks, Go there copy this, come here paste it, interact with the wallet, enter here like this post, share and comment

It's actually very tasking but making as few as 3 click from 30 apps alone could possibly make you some good six figures money from it

The big picture for some people in engaging in airdop participation is trading but there could be no trading without capital and as such they ventured into airdropp viewing it as key to huge capital volumes.

Now, let's dive into types of airdropps available among blockchain projects managers



First of, airdrops comes in various forms and structures, each with it's own pattern that it wants the potential beneficiary to perform before being awarded or distributed the airdrop

These airdrops works by telling you to download projects app and mining their coins inside their ready made apps

Some will require that you tap the mining after 24 hours while some resets after every 1am and
some will require that you tap mining after every few hours and so on based on their requirements for participation and eligibility selection. Each project having its own selected time frame


Though these days most projects are moving their mining to telegram like Hot, Notcoin, tapswap among others.

Unlike the widely known conventional mining that requires that you download their app before engaging in mining, telegram mining does not require you to download any app as the mining cheat and source code is built and embedded inside the telegram app enabling telegram to run it as a mining app

This mining have seen a very high degree surge in usage and acceptability as telegram is a instant messaging app just like WhatsApp though more advanced in terms of available features of communication.

Projects like Hot, Notcoin, Avacoin, Tapswap, harvestmoon and so on are all using telegram as their mining app rather than having a separate mining app of their own atleast for now.

Then you have telegram bot which deals with you performing tasks like going to twitter for required tasks and liking pages, joining telegram channels, dropping addresses and so before being rewarded with the coin of such a project.

Projects running their mining on telegram might be a little bit popular and might not need to run much advertisement and promotions since telegram is one of the most widely used instant messaging app.

This type has proven to be far more rewarding than the rest so far though far more tasking and consuming than the rest

It involves going to various apps and performing the following requirements for eligibility and verification such as:

Posting content given to you by the projects managers
Connecting wallets to the apps
Liking pages
Joining telegram channels
Joining Discord channels
Posting in these channels and massive interactions with other users
Following twitter
Liking posts in these channels and these tasks and so on and are done mostly everyday

Most project running their testnets usually engage their users with this type of airdrop in order to create more awareness as regards their project.

This is another interesting rewarding type of airdrops that requires you to deposit some amount of money in their projects and doing some daily tasks like claiming everyday points and engagement with their applications and requirements.

Claiming point's given to you daily for depositing the required amount
Connecting the app to different wallets and authorising transactions with the app
Performing other tasks in other apps and so on of such criteria.

This farming airdrop is quite rewarding as most people don't have the funds to undertake it while some of those people that have the funds don't have the strength to be doing such tasks daily but those that stays to the ends are heavily and handsomely rewarded with the token of such a project.

There are some important information to note for when partaking in an which are as follows:

When an airdrop is put out to public domain, there are two important dates to take note of. First of all, "snapshot" time and distribution date.

This is when the project will take a proper check and scrutinize all the wallets that partook in the project in order fish out fake users, multiple accounts, and bots before the token distribution is done. So, it is highly essential to fill out the specified requirements by that date to avoid being disqualified as a recipient.

The second one is the distribution date. This is when the airdrop is expected to be deposited into the wallet of each of the participants of airdrop or the eligible ones among them.

Typically, there are certain criteria that must be satisfied before being qualified for an airdrop and these requirements are brought about by the project managers and owners which could be simply as registering in a particular website as well as completing some tasks on social media platforms such as following, repost , interaction, commentary among others. Some also demand that you hold a specific quota or amount of their project cryptocurrency.

In every circumstances as regards an airdrop a secured crypto wallet is an essential component as it is the software architecture to receive the awarded coins.

So that is all as regards airdrops in summary. Airdrop could be highly rewarding and sometimes could be used by scammmers to gain access to your wallet and wipe off your coins so always try fact-check any airdropp you come across before interacting with it.

As a measure to avoid being victim of coin scammmers always to have separate wallet address for airdops apart from the one you have for your main dealings as this could lessen the risks involved in interacting with malicious airdop links and so on.


Thanks a lot for going through this post till the concluding paragraph and for your usual support and attention.

Keep Blogging and You will Reach more than the Sky Limit.

Happy Sereying 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴

Cross-posted from my Blurt Account



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