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Employees making dosa and chow mein. (722 Days)


Mobile Photograhy




My dear friends, it was evening time, there was a lot of turmoil going on. Just then a call comes from home. That Ritu has said that my health is deteriorating. I have told you to make khichdi. She said that I am not cooking any food. It is night. Then I close my office. After that I have a nearby hotel. After reaching the hotel, I ask how much dosa and chow mein cost. He says it is Rs 140. And there is chow mein for 30 rupees. I have said that it can be made in how many days. That's why he took 15 minutes. But I come after 15 minutes. Because I will come after some time. So it is not complete yet. That's why I ask them to hurry up. But today no one has time. So I'm not waiting. After some time I stop at the shop again. Then he starts making dosa. Nowadays people have no respect. Therefore everyone has to understand. Only then people understand.

Photos captured by @ahlawat
Camera Device Nothing Rear Camera 12MP
Lens Default
Category Nature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
Location India
Edited Captured one
I hope you like this. You are all welcome
964.870 SRY$0.00
