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Students always excellent in art. (741 Days)


Mobile Photograhy





When we search for some things, we find things which are remembered. My class 8 has now reached class 9. But I always remember some of my moments with him. There are 25 students in this class, never all the students come to the class. Who can be said to be among the 20 students. Some boys and girls both are special to me. On days when girls do not come to class, I take any boy. He is told that today you have to make a painting. It is not easy for him. But we can teach how to make it. It is a depiction of a nature scene. In which a river is to be constructed joining the tree with the house. A river flows on both sides of the village and there is a flower in the middle. Which has been made a way to come and go. Vegetables are good things in the village. There is a bird sitting among flowers and trees which keeps chirping with its sweet voice in the morning. Therefore one should never forget. That even one scene teaches us a lot.

Photos captured by @ahlawat
Camera Device Nothing Rear Camera 12MP
Lens Default
Category Nature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
Location India
Edited Captured one
I hope you like this. You are all welcome
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