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Photography of walking with friends on Dhaka 300 feet bridge.


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are doing very well by the grace of Allah Taala. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah Taala and your prayers and love, I am very well and healthy. What I will share with you today is one of my photography and I will try to discuss a little something else inshallah. What I will share with you is that I went to Dhaka 300 feet bridge last few days when I talked to my sisters and decided to go there. I didn't know there then so I asked how is the condition there and they said it was very good so I went there. I agreed.

When the friends came from Narsingdi to the place I have forgotten the name of that place, we both left from Jatrabari. They reached the place long before us but we were too late to reach because our road was too far so we were too late to arrive then when we reached there we met them and asked how far we have to go from here 300 feet But they said we also don't know well so we asked someone else to reach here one brother told us the road is in that direction you can go that way or you can take any auto rickshaw or any CNG then we fixed an auto rickshaw.

Charged us 250 rupees and dropped us a lot and we told him we have to take him there and bring him back from there he agreed and dropped us there we had fun there for 10 minutes and took lots of photos. We passed by another place and we told him ok we will leave now he took us so we paid him 250 taka and got down and reached our destination. There are many more stories in this trip which I am not presenting to you now, I will present them in the future, Inshallah.

As of today, I'm saying goodbye here. May you all be well. May you be healthy. I'm concluding my short speech here. Allah Hafeez.

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