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Today I did some beautiful flower photography.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah, Friends I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I have appeared again among you, I am with another of my new writings, I hope everyone will like reading my writings and seeing the photographs.

Today I did some beautiful flower photography. Ranjana Flowers has photographed Sumainda flowers and some unknown flowers which are very beautiful and add to the atmosphere and charm us. We do flower photography for the love of flowers and falling in love with flowers. In my ID, I have mostly photographed and written about flowering plants and flower gardens and flowers, so I post by selecting photography in the post category. I don't know how you all feel but I like flower photography and share new flowers with you everyday.

I didn't do any work today, just did a little study and sleep. I finished today and I can say it was a very nice day. Eating, drinking, sleeping and studying are basically my main tasks now. If you want to do something good in the future, you must study. There is no alternative method. The more educated the nation, the more advanced the nation. In our country now the education rate has gone up a lot so if people are educated it is possible to improve our country too.

Along with flower and plant photography I made a short video. I made the video, I have a YouTube channel and will post the video there. Flowers spread such a beautiful aroma and fragrance to the environment that a passer-by cannot escape the love of flowers. As one walks through the flower garden work, one's nose is filled with a beautiful fragrance and one becomes more focused on one's work. Everyone stay safe and healthy.
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