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The Ornamental Cherry Blossom! You are Beautiful!


A Beautiful #Poetry, on Ornamental Cherry Blossom tree with such wonderful flowers and their captivating journey through all seasons, from lovely weather to harsh summers and unbearable winter, makes a truly remarkable journey for these gentle, tender and soft soft 🌸blossoms!


In the tender, hug of each season's sway…
The “ornamental cherry blossom”, finds its wonderful way…
A symphony of petals, so delicate & amazingly pure…
Each blossom one great masterpiece…Yeah!!!, an allure...


In spring's gentle cuddle, they really spurt forth in sheer grace…
Soft murmurs of pink, a wonderful dance in great space...
Their scent, fragrance, fills the air, a sweet embrace…
As they decorate the amazing world, in their delicacy...


The hot hot Summer arrives, & still they bloom…
Underneath the Sun's hot n warm, true golden gloom…
Their splendor continues, in a dedicated manner…
A real testimony to #nature's, eternal presentation...


As autumn's breathe, whispers through these trees…
The Magical flowers release, carried by the wonderful breeze...
A lovely cascade of pinkish colors, a fleeting display…
Yet! in its fleetingness…, a true beauty holds sway…


Winter descends, with its super icy touch…
The flowers snooze, awaiting… the clutch…
Of spring's tender hand, to awaken, once more…
To blossom again & again, as they've done it, before...

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