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Living The Life.



Let the rain come down and let it wash away your tears
Everyone in life try to get through life even amidst their fears
Courage isn't the absence of fear but the presence of it, so everyone bears
Life can be tricky, sometimes others pick your silent sound and your shout no one hears
Being strong sometimes can leave you burdened as your tiredness wears
Have the courage to accept the things you can't change
Stop focusing too far ahead sometimes as it's overwhelming, focus on what's within range
As it encourages you to enjoy what's within your control - that's turning a new page
We bug ourselves about what lies ahead which often leaves us in the cage
We even spend our salaries way ahead of time before we receive the wage
Plan ahead, think ahead but learn to also live in the moment, strange?
Enjoy nature and let the rain wash away your tears for a change
We are consumed by eating more than we can chew in the moment too, such rage
Living this life calls for wisdom as balance is needed in everything, use that gauge
We live and learn, we learn from experience to do things better than we did
Learning from others, that's wisdom too but know yourself as no one else can
Life is a mystery and you have been given it as a gift
What you do with your life is what counts and the lives you gave a lift
You only live once and being overwhelmed by life isn't a smart way to mental shift
This poetry came in a different form today but do you catch the drift?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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