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The ultimate act



Reading the news has become an increasingly unhealthy habit. The world never looked more dangerous, more hostile and more irrational, if you try to interpret it through the headlines. Heinous crimes, perverseness, mental illness and suffering, are among the most "favourite" topics. And of course wars, many of them, all over the globe, gradually escalating to something that looks more and more like a new type of World War.

In this dystopian reality, drawing the line between staying informed and not loosing your sanity from the overwhelmingly amount of darkness thrown on you, can become a tricky task. The world is a mess, apparently ruled by a bunch of perverted psychopaths and there is not much that we can do to stop it.

Paraphrasing one of my favourites Greek authors I would say that realising that I can't change the world leaves me with only one option. Try as hard as I can, to not let the world change me. To avoid barbarism and remain human and tender in every aspect of my life. That's the ultimate act of resistance.

Nature is the only true and absolute ally in this battle, always there to heal and support me. The last shelter were everything makes sense and exist in harmony.







A walk in the nature with a loved one and a canine companion is my answer and my medicine against the glooming, overwhelming reality. And it works just fine at least until the bombs that are falling a few kilometres in the north and a few kilometres in the south, start falling on our heads too.







Till then I'll just keep trying to live a life in alignment with my beliefs and using my blog as my personal therapist :)

I hope I didn't depress you with my babbling. Have a lovely Sunday and a wonderful week ahead!








I took those pictures on the 1st of April 2019, during one of my favourite trails near my home village, on the island of Crete. I have also written this post, five years ago, about the same walk, with different pictures of course and much different words! Thinking of it right now, neither the world nor me are the same any more, only the wild flowers and the mountains are unchangeable and everlasting. Even our dog is not as black as he used to be, with grey hair on his fur showing his age and his wisdom :)

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