Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology



Hands to hands, together we stand

Love and support we offer ourselves

Never defeated, ever United

Only to fight and conquer together.


We rule and win because we stick

With dominance we take the lead

In one accord, we live in love

We hold our hands and never separate.


Hands to hands, the world is ours

Victory is sure, it's what we do

Let me hold you, you hold another

We'll never be broken or separated.


Hands to hands, a people United

Our differences, we set aside

So as to defeat our common enemy

And stand as one, although many.

Our interest is common

our reward is near

Let's fight together and get away

And then the love will ever remain.


Hands to hands, the world will see

And hear our name which is "Unity"

Just like a family we'll win again

And as a family is the bond we share. 


With oneness of mind, we discard diversity

With agreements of hearts, we live in harmony

We create our world and make it better

As one body, we operate in line.


This is the world we all should create

Give me your hand and I'll give you mine

Together as one let's live in peace

And earth will be a better place to be.

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