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My grandpa was a very funny man.

He was cunning too. He would play tricks on us and make us doing his biddings without actually going through any stress. He told us a lot of stories and taught us moral lessons from them. I so much admired him.

Once, he spoke about a man who went to the stream to  bath and left all his clothes by the shore. Since the day was hot and sunny, the waters were so cool and warm that he almost forgot himself  in its comforting hands. He didn’t notice that he was not  alone at the River.

A few miles away from him sat a man; mad man, who having nothing to do, sat at the shore and whispered words to the river and expected replies. He had fits and made scenes when he didn’t get the replies.

‘Does water speak?’ Jacob asked Baba at that moment.

‘Does the River have a mouth?’ James retorted.

We all burst into a heavy flow of laughter. James answered Jacob’s question with another question.

‘The River doesn’t speak my son.’ Baba answered. ‘Remember I said he was a mad man. That’s why he was talking to the River and expecting replies.’ Baba added.

‘Baba please continue the story.’

‘What happened next baba?’ We all asked, anxious to know how the story ended. We loved Baba’s stories. Apart from the fact that they kept us away from sleeping too early and learning lessons, Baba equally accompanied his stories with gifts like groundnuts. He was such a nice man.

After so much silence, baba continued his story.

The mad man, furious that the River didn’t answer his questions, stood up in anger to go home stark naked. Noticing the other man’s clothes by the shore, he picked them and walked away with them. 

Few seconds later, the man noticed what had happened and came out of the water naked. He didn’t understand what was going on. In the confusion, he shouted at the mad man, ‘Bring back my clothes.’

He didn’t respond. He walked away still.

‘I said bring back my clothes.’ The man shouted a second time. This time, in anger.

Like a man chased by a lion, the mad man ran away with the clothes. The other man followed suit, naked. Both men ran and entered the market square. People were shocked to see both men naked. They only knew one mad man in the village. Now, they knew two.

While the mad man ran for his life, the other man ran for his clothes.

‘What lessons have you learnt from my story?’ Baba stopped and asked.


What lessons have you learnt from this story?

Kindly drop your opinion in the comment’s section if you have one.


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