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Nowadays dark mode of mobile is getting very popular


Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you are all doing well, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

Dark mode is quite a trend these days. Its popularity has grown over time. Almost all applications now provide you with the benefit of dark mode, even some famous websites give you the option to use it.

Screenshot of my SAMSUNG A52 5G mobile

Dark mode should be turned on while using the phone at night. The display light of the phone is not visible. The phone can be used easily. Moreover, dark mode saves phone battery charge. The charge is less than usual.

What exactly is dark mode?

Dark mode is an object that creates a dark layer in the user interface of your application software. This dark mode is mainly used to save energy and reduce screen glare.

There are many benefits of using dark mode on your mobile or personal computer. There are also some downsides to using it this way.

Image source

Advantages of Dark Mode:

If your device has OLED(organic light-emitting diode) and AMOLED display then this dark mode will help you in saving battery power.

Since most of the display is black when using dark mode, it reduces the amount of blue light coming from the display. Moreover, the reflection of the display is also reduced.

Dark mode is comfortable on the eyes as most of the space is black.

Disadvantages of Dark Mode:

Some apps are still not properly optimized with dark mode. In this case you may have trouble getting clear visuals.

Using dark mode in high light places makes the text on the display appear dim.

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