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How to Parents Can Create a Bond With Their Children's


Bonding and attachment are important ways of development between parents and they newborn baby (child, children). Bonding and attachment occur when as a parent or even a brother/sister to the newborn baby, you respond constantly to newborns baby that is still below the age of 5 with care, love and warmth. This is because newborn babies use they body language to show when they want to communicate (connect) with you.

Image source

One of the best ways to bond with newborn baby through smiling, singing, eye contact, cuddling and reading. From the image above we can see how the baby was smiling and comfortably happy with someone around her. Bonding and attachment are the ways that you should be responding to your newborn baby or any baby that is around you since every newborn's baby needs to be taking care with love and warmth. When you keep on doing this to your baby or the ones around you, you will become a special and trusted person in the life of your baby's or the one around.

Important of creating bond with newborns baby

As I have earlier said, bonding with your newborn baby or with the bay aroun you is important part of development in the life of you and your baby.

When a newborn's baby gets what they want from you, like a touch, cuddle or even a smile, the newborn baby will feels the world is a safe play for he/she to play, stay,learn and explore things. Let's take a quick look below on how this newborn baby was feeling safe as someone is playing with her.

From the image above we can see that, staying with the baby has lays the baby foundation for development and wellbeing throughout the baby childhood. This implies that when you keep on doing what you have seen from the image above you're laying the foundation for your baby development and wellbeing as the baby keep on growing up.

Another important ways of creating bond with baby is that bonding helps baby to grow physically and mentally fit at all time. For example, you can quickly release hormones, when you keep on getting closer to the baby getting closer like touching, talking, cuddling gazing into the eyes of the baby and signing for the baby. Doing all this help baby brain to grow faster, an as the baby brain grow faster that is how the memory of the baby will be developing, through thought and language that the baby is seeing and hearing from you.

Although, there are a lot of vital things that you can do to make a baby feel happy outside bounding and attachment that we can look out on my next discussions...

You can read this post further from my Steemit Account via @josepha

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