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Funny food choices.


Every one seem to have preferrence for almost every things which they don't like or don't eat, the reason for such dislike is something I can't say but myself I do have things is actually don't like or I don't eat.

What is that food you don't eat?.

The reason why I don't eat snail 🐌 is what I can tell but I can't see myself eating it. Though I don't hinder those around me from eating it. I even go out at night to pick up snails for those who eat it.
People have written a lot about the benefits of eating snail but I am not moved by those articles. Snails eating aren't for me .

Funny to say, preference is a funny thing. My younger brother would never eat beans no matter what pressure mountain on him but eating moi moi is one of his favorite. Isn't this funny? Moi moi is made from beans but cooking beans like that he won't eat that.

Another funny one is my niece who won't eat cooked onions but she enjoys eating raw onions . I also have a friend who don't eat egg but eats chicken. Lol 
Yesterday I saw another case of a young man who doesn't eat bananas.. wow! It was my first experience seeing someone who doesn't eat bananas but very funny on the on side, he eats ripped plantains which is from the same plant family.

What is that food you can't skip .

African walnuts for me is charming I hardly would pass the sellers on the traffic or within the streets when I see it.

The African walnuts is said to have lots of beautiful health benefits, I only came to know about the benefits lately but since I was a child I had loved eating it for two funny reasons. Firstly, it's crunchy and secondly, it leaves a bitter but amazing taste when you drink water after eating it. I loved it and I won't want to stop eating it.

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, that almost everyone were at home, I had the opportunity to spend that period in my home town and I planted three stands of the walnuts so that I I won't have to be buying it from the market.
The walnut is very expensive and because it needs enough space and mature trees, to rest on, many people don't plant it again and development is sending this natural blessing to early grave but thank God we still have those who are committed to growing the walnuts.
It's not really bad to be selective when it comes to food but I feel that it's very necessary to eat every fruit or food that are seasonal. Since they are not always in circulation, when it's in their season, eating them would be worthwhile.

Be healthy and happy!
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