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Covid-19 Lockdown was a blessing in disguise


"Every disappointment is a blessing" is a popular quote and indeed the Covid-19 lockdown that came as disappointment to many was a blessing to me. 

The world is ravaged with the Covid-19, a pandemic that made the world stand still for months. The mode of transmission of the virus made almost all countries to go on lockdown. My country, Nigeria was not an exception. 

Total lockdown was declared in all states in Nigeria including the Federal Capital Territory. The total lockdown lasted for months and this affect a lot of people and businesses. 

Covid-19 made the economy of many countries to crash, many people lost their jobs and a lot of businesses crashed. People were disappointed and devastated.

While many were disappointed and devastated, on the other hand, it was a great period for me. In fact the lockdown period was about the best time of my life because I used the period to achieve a lot. 

Part of the things the lockdown helped me to do was to spend more time with my family most especially my baby. During the lockdown, I was also able to enroll for an online course in the prestigious Harvard University which is a great achievement for me. 

I achieved a lot during the lockdown but the achievement that I want to talk about today is the new skill I acquired during the period. I used the period of the lockdown to learn how to bake and decorate cake. I am happy to have used the period to add to myself by learning the new skill and since I learned this new skill, I have put the skill into practice and I have done a number of work.

Below are some of my hand work:

I hope you all like my work. Less I forget, I am also using this newly acquired skill to earn additional income for myself.

For me, the Covid-19 lockdown was a blessing because I was able to achieve a lot that I won't be able to achieve within that shot time if there was no lockdown. 

No matter the circumstance, let's always try to figure out an opportunity from it.

NOTE: This post was taken from my steemit blog account and here is the link to the original source.

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