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I have done some photography of myself and my village.


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum Rahmatullah, Friends I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah, I am also very well by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I have appeared again among you, I am with another of my new writings, I hope everyone will like reading my writings and seeing the photographs.

I have done some photography of myself and my village. Friends first of all Ramadan Mubarak to everyone. This month is the most important month for us Muslims. We have to fast one month in a year. Fasting is a very good act of worship. Allah Ta'ala has said in the Qur'an that fasting is only for Me and I will reward it myself. When a person fasts he can understand the hunger of many hungry people. Fasting is compulsory It is obligatory for a healthy normal person to fast. Islam is a religion of peace and a very simple religion. Greetings of Islam to all.

Photographs of when I bathed at the river bank and went to the bridge at home. I have read a life in Bengal where it is as beautiful as you can adapt to it. But reminding people of memories makes one wea.

Memories are hard to forget. What you have done in life, where you are going, what you will do, everything comes from memory. To make this memorable life peaceful and happy, one has to enjoy the time ahead and worship Allah. The worship of Allah Ta'ala brings peace and deliverance. The role of Islam is immense in leading a peaceful life. The photos are from a long time ago but I remembered them so I am sharing them now. Hope everyone likes and looks beautiful. Everyone stay safe and healthy.

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