Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Do you watched this new identity gadget may be useful?


![dab181be18171b04d90ef9190b281967.jpg]( The tool, dubbed Telegram Passport, reportedly encrypts a user’s non-public id records and allow’s customers securely proportion their id records with 0.33 parties, which the Telegram submit elaborates on as “finance, ICOs, and many others.” according to the post, users’ id information will presently be saved on the Telegram cloud, but “within the destiny, all Telegram Passport information will circulate to a decentralized cloud.” the new device is presently incorporated with digital charge operator ePayments, which Telegram refers to in their post as the “first digital bills machine to help registration and verification” thru the brand new tool. EPayments showed the integration on its Telegram channel, noting that “verification can be achieved in just a few clicks.” recently, CEO and founding father of Telegram Pavel Durov was featured in Fortune’s “forty below forty” annual ratings as one of the maximum distinguished disruptors of global business. before creating Telegram, Durov founded social media internet site This March, Telegram finished two $850 million closed funding rounds thru the sale of the platform’s pending cryptocurrency TON, bringing its overall investment to $1.7 billion. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🤔 ![a9ca2a0eacca77c23e9f22c035246df10b8e6c5c.png](
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