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One of the wonders of the world is the Jonathan tortoise.


The title has been recognized by Guinness World Records, which recently starred Jonathan. With an estimated birth year of 1832, this affordable reptile has survived 39 U.S. presidents, two world wars and the discovery of light bulbs. He arrived in St. Helena in 1832, when he was about 50 years old. He was hailed as a gift to William Gray-Wilson, the then Governor of the Overseas British Territory, and has lived on the Governor's House ever since.

Progress is not without consequences of age. Jonathan seems almost blind and has lost the sense of smell from the cataract. He cares for veterinarians who arrange nutritious fruit and vegetable diets.
Born in 1832. If he survives next year, he will be 190 years old. Then Jonathan will be the oldest animal in the world!

In 182 he was collected from the Indian Ocean. He is currently in captivity in the garden of St. Helena's Governor's House, a small island in the Atlantic Ocean.

He can't see anything because of cataracts in his eyes, he doesn't have any sense of smell. There is only keen hearing.

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