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"A soldier on active service will not let himself be involved in civilian affairs" (2 Timothy 2:4, NEB)

A person enlisted in the army to defend external aggressions and sometimes internal wrangling is a soldier. Security is the subject matter of his responsibility. Every born again Christian has enlisted into Christ's Army. 
The Bible states that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than ninety-nine others who have no need of repentance. The reason is that the labourers are few but the harvest is plenteous. So the enlistment never ends. As the recruitments continue, three kinds of soldiers emerge, namely fake, idle and active. Fake soldiers are no soldiers at all. They are never enlisted but can put on army uniforms, their preoccupation is to deceive the public with a view to wreaking havoc. They are security risks. The Bibledescribes them as "mixed multitude". 
       The idle soldiers are enlisted, trained and sent to serve but engross themselves with the affairs of civilians and therefore lose focus and become irresponsible. They are bad soldiers. The ideal soldier that our text above is talking about is the active one. Some versions call it the Good Soldier. He is a professional, focused, 
brave and loyal. God enlisted the soldiers so that they still continue His work on earth.
It should be noted that everyone makes a choice of the type of solider he wishes to be. For in a great house, there are many vessels, some are for honour and some for dishonor. If a man cleanses himself, he will become honourable. The type of solider one will be is a choice. The Bible teaches that our God is a rewarder, everyone who labours with Him will be rewarded in this life and the life to come. What type of soldier are you? Are you living up to the aspiration of Him who enlisted you? Be a good soldier of Christ Jesus every day and everywhere. 

Every regenerated Christian has been enlisted in Christ's Army to defend His course.

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